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  • Writer's pictureRuby Stone

LinkedIn- How do I work this thing?

The fastest and easiest way to connect with others in your similar field of business or interest nowadays is by using LinkedIn. This website and app has completely remodeled the idea of the want ads in a newspaper or job listings on craigslist. The goal is to show off your greatest successes and future aspirations. If you are not already on LinkedIn because of confusion of how the social media platform works or you are on it currently and aren’t sure how to properly utilize it,  then we are here to help.

Here are some tips and tricks to set up your LinkedIn account or enhance your current profile:


  1. Set an up-to-date picture with just you in it so others can tell who they are looking at

  2. Complete your profile, this means EVERY LITTLE FORM, the more info the better

  3. When filling out your “summary” portion, be sure to use keywords so they come up in a search

  4. Sell yourself, provide a catchy job title

  5. Provide Updates, stay active on your account so you can add new accomplishments or jobs

  6. Add skills, people love to see diversity

  7. Brag about your new skills

  8. Mingle- join groups, likes other’s posts and post your own material as well

  9. Follow up after mixers or events

  10. Ask for Recommendations and/or Endorsements

  11. Volunteering is just as important as work experience so don’t forget to add that in


  1. Turn off your activity Broadcast when making lots of changes to your profile

  2. Be anonymous when looking at competitors

  3. Look at competitors, see what they have on their profile that you could compete with

  4. Tag People

  5. Email people in groups, just get involved

To sum it all, do not be afraid to boast about yourself and reach out to others. The site is not as complicated as it looks and is geared towards helping you help your future career. This is a professional site though, so keep it PG and keep it organized.


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